
Agriculture April 13, 2018 - EM Application

30 Oct 2018

Dr. Higa upholds a completely different concept of agriculture, opposed to the current agriculture practice- To achieve not only food production but also to protect the environment, resources and human health while being economically successful.

Throughout 20 years of proper application, EM Technology™ is proven to be economical and effective in promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. Its benefits include:-
  • Decomposition of organic matter (including organic wastes and residues)
  • An alternative to chemical fertilizers
  • Recycling and increasing availability of plant nutrients
  • Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
  • Suppression of soil-borne pathogens
  • Solubilisation of insoluble nutrient sources
  • Production of polysaccharides and overall rich microflora to improve soil aggregation
  • Promotes photosynthesis and strengthens the vigor of plants, thus increasing their ability to withstand drought, floods, and temperature extremes.
  • Increases soil temperature through microbial activity, which enables greater cultivation in colder regions.
  • Improves soil aggregation, permeability, and water holding capacity—thus reducing overall water usage.
  • Helps prevent the erosion of fertile topsoil—and can even convert desert and sodic environments into arable land.
  • Detoxifies, conserves, and improves the overall quality of water and the runoff tributaries.
The density of microorganisms in the soil and the water is much higher than in the air. More than one hundred to one thousand microorganisms live in one gram of soil. As such, its ecological condition depends hugely on the types of dominating microorganisms. For example, crops tend to wither and pests can be swarming in the field when putrefactive bacteria are dominant. On the contrary, crops grow wholesomely in the field where fermentative microorganisms (effective microorganisms) are dominant.

In short, the key to abundant agriculture is to make effective microorganisms dominant. With the application of EM, native microorganisms, most of which are opportunistic, are stimulated and work in cooperation with EM in a good way for environment.


1. In seed and seeding treatment

-soak the seed into EMAS (1:500 dilutions) for half to one hour and then dry in room temperature (not under direct sunlight)

-For vegetative propagators such as potatoes, sugar cane or ginger: soaking time is 5 minutes.

2. Plant Transplantation

-spray EMAS(1:200 dilution) before transplanting to facilitate growth.

3. Watering

-Waters your plant once a week with 1:500 EMAS to Water dilution or through existing irrigation system in agriculture.

4. Prevention of pest and disease.

-Spray 1:200 of EM5 to Water Dilution to plant once a week

-For soil problem, apply 1:200 EMAS directly to the soil once a week

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