About Us

EMRO Malaysia

EMRO Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. was established in April 2012 to provide services for sustainable agriculture and improve environment problems by EM Technology in Malaysia. Since then, we have been involving activities to improve agriculture and environment issues collaboration with eco-conscious farmers, corporations, association, communities, NGO and etc. Taking notice of positive effects by beneficial microorganisms, we continue to conduct research and development with EM Technology in various fields.

Today, people become aware of the environment contamination on our earth are critical point and it is directly relate to our health. We believe EM Technology and our services offer solutions for those issues in agriculture, animals, environment, construction, health and so on.

Our goal is to achieve the goal of Dr. Teruo Higa, developer of EM Technology which is to create a community with mutual understanding, safety, comfort and well-being by using affordable, high quality and sustainable technology and people live in green life happily with EM.

EM™ is an eco-friendly technology used for natural agriculture practice, environment preservation, human health and other industrial field.

