Disaster Relief

EM™ for Disaster Relief

EM™ is often used to solve problems raised in areas affected by disasters. When the municipal water supply is disrupted in post disaster condition, EM™ is able to prove its effectiveness in sanitary measures including odor control and cleaning up of affected areas to curb the spread of pathogen diseases.

EM™ is recently used in the Thailand flood which inundated Bangkok and most of Thailand’s South to clean up the affected areas. EM™ was also used in Japan after it was hit by the Tsunami and Earthquake that struck the north-east part of the country on 11th March 2011. Other EM™ applications for disaster relief include:-

  • EM™ was applied after the Johor flood in Kota Tinggi in year 2007 to improve the hygienic condition.

  • It was also used extensively in Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries which suffered from the Tsunami Wave Disaster caused by the devastating earthquake occurred off the west coast of Sumatera, Indonesia in 2004.

  • It was used by the German government after the Elbe River flood disaster in 2002 to remediate the standing toxic water and contaminated drainage sites.

  • EM™ has also been used for decontaminating the polluted inland seas of Japan and China as well as other bioremediation projects around the world – where marine life and vegetation have significantly returned.

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