EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:32 am —

Agriculture April 13, 2018 - EM Application

Agriculture WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN AGRICULTURE? Dr. Higa upholds a completely different concept of agriculture, opposed to the current agriculture practice- To achieve not only food production but also to protect the environment, resources and human health while being economically successful. Throughout 20 years of proper application, EM Technology™ is proven to be economical and effective in promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. Its benefits include:- Decomposition of organic matter (including organic wastes and residues) An alternative to chemical fertilizers Recycling and increasing availability of plant nutrients Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen Suppression of soil-borne pathogens Solubilisation of insoluble nutrient sources Production of polysaccharides and overall rich microflora to improve soil aggregation Promotes photosynthesis and strengthens the vigor of plants, thus increasing their ability to withstand drought, floods, and temperature extremes. Increases soil temperature through microbial activity, which enables greater cultivation in colder regions. Improves soil aggregation, permeability, and water holding capacity—thus reducing overall water usage. Helps prevent the erosion of fertile topsoil—and can even convert desert and sodic environments into arable land. Detoxifies, conserves, and improves the overall quality of water and the runoff tributaries. The density of microorganisms in the soil and the water is much higher than in the air. More than one hundred to one thousand microorganisms live in one gram of soil. As such, its ecological condition depends hugely on the types of dominating microorganisms. For example, crops tend to wither and pests can be swarming in the field when putrefactive bacteria are dominant. On the contrary, crops grow wholesomely in the field where fermentative microorganisms (effective microorganisms) are dominant. In short, the key to abundant agriculture is to make effective microorganisms dominant. With the application of EM, native microorganisms, most of which are opportunistic, are stimulated and work in cooperation with EM in a good way for environment. HOW TO APPLY EM IN AGRICULTURE: 1. In seed and seeding treatment -soak the seed into EMAS (1:500 dilutions) for half to one hour and then dry in room temperature (not under direct sunlight) -For vegetative propagators such as potatoes, sugar cane or ginger: soaking time is 5 minutes. 2. Plant Transplantation -spray EMAS(1:200 dilution) before transplanting to facilitate growth. 3. Watering -Waters your plant once a week with 1:500 EMAS to Water dilution or through existing irrigation system in agriculture. 4. Prevention of pest and disease. -Spray 1:200 of EM5 to Water Dilution to plant once a week -For soil problem, apply 1:200 EMAS directly to the soil once a week read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:29 am —

April 13, 2018 - Animal Husbandry

Animal Husbandry WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY? The intensive industrialization of animal farming practice worldwide poses serious pollution and health issues to the livestock and workers in the farms. The odour coming from urine and faeces of the animals produce ammonia gas, a putrefactive oxidative substance which causes respiratory stress for both the workers and the animals living under such conditions. EM™ with its strong antioxidant effect has shown significant results in breaking up ammonia, accelerating the conversion of animal waste into manure compost, and prevent noxious odour. In the livestock industry where animals are raised in overcrowded conditions, spraying of EM at animal pens promotes the growth of other beneficial microbes, therefore improving the environment within the pens which in turn leads to a reduction of stress on the animals, higher quality milk, meat, eggs, and the suppression of diseases. EM•1® can also be mixed in the drinking water and feeds to promote overall health of the animals. Benefits of EM for animal husbandry: Suppresses foul odour in livestock sheds and septic tanks Reduces stress factors for animals - decreases flies, ticks and other harmful insect populations Enhances animal health – improve immunity against diseases Increases quality of animal products and enhances shelf life Improves animal fecundity Getting high quality manure Reduces use of regular medicines, antibiotics and disinfectants Spray EM EM Reduce ammonia level HOW TO APPLY EM IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: 1. Drinking -Apply EM•1 (1:500 Dilution into drinking water). -Drinking water should be change every day if EMAS is added into it. 2. Feeding -Mix 1% to 3% of EM Bokashi into their feed once a week to increase intestinal micro flora. Hence increasing the digestive process and increase animal’s health 3. Spraying -Apply 1:200 EMAS to Water Dilution around the shed and the wall once a week to reduce smell. -if the smell still continue, Dilute 1:500 EM PB to Water and spray. -Spraying onto the animals themselves does not cause any harm. read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:27 am —

April 13, 2018 - Aquaculture

Aquaculture WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN AQUACULTURE? As a result of industrialization, the water body of our ocean is heavily contaminated by the discharge of industrial and household wastes. The application of EM can significantly decompose these pollutants by promoting the growth of beneficial microbes which causes pollutants to ferment and break down rather than putrefy, creating an environment for the growth of aquaculture resources. Benefits of using EM in Aquaculture EM improves the productivity and the quality of harvested products. EM improves the water quality (Turbidity, DO, PH, etc.) and reduce the production of harmful gases such as ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and methane. Reduce the quantity of sludge Reduce the population of pathogenic microbes in the water. Reduce the frequency of recycling water-lowering the cost. Reduce the use of using antibiotics. HOW TO APPLY EM IN AQUACULTURE 1. Feeding. -Mix 1L EMAS to 10kg of feed every day. No fermentation needed. 2. Water Condition and sludge reduction -apply 1:10,000 EMAS/PB to pond water volume read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:23 am —

April 13, 2018 - EM for Composting

EM for Composting WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN COMPOSTING Composting is an environmentally conscious method of creating organic fertilisers out of organic wastes. At present, the fundamental challenge for composting is in properly aerating the piles, which is labour intensive and therefore expensive. Using conventional composting methods, piles must be turned frequently or they risk becoming putrefying, which produces foul smelling gases such as ammonia and mercaptans, attracts numerous flies, and yields potentially disease-inducing product. The addition of EM•1 can help to overcome these challenges by eliminating the odour and establish beneficial microbial growth by preventing the anaerobic pockets from putrefying. When carefully managed, EM•1 has the potential to reduce the frequency of turning the piles, saving both time and money. Food Waste Using EM™ you can recycle food waste to make valuable fertilizer for your gardens and plants. EM™ helps to speed up the natural composting process — without the negative side-effects of foul odours and pests. Adding compost to the soil and then mulching it will help to hold in moisture, requiring less watering, keep weeds down, and provide a home for worms and microbes. The benefits of using EM made food waste compost include: EM compost enhances decomposition and produces nutrient-rich soil humus, perfect for enhancing the garden Reduces odour for undetectable indoor composting Significantly reduces disease-producing pathogens resulting from compost putrefaction Produces nutrient-rich compost Increases beneficial microbial activity in the soil, therefore enhances better root development Enhances resistance of plants to stress and reduces soil borne pathogens Safe and environment friendly as it is organic and biodegradable. DIRECTIONS IN MAKING EM FOODWASTE COMPOST. Sprinkle a small amount of EM Bokashi on the bottom of Composting Bin. The food waste is break into small pieces to ease the breakdown process. Food waste is in well drained condition. Not wet. Every time food waste is added, EM Bokashi is added as well. Push down the food waste and bokashi to make it compact. Close the lid tightly to prevent contamination. Drained the Food waste juice collected frequently. Can be dilute (1:500) and use to waters plant or Pour into the drain to release EM into the environment. Do not keep the juice collected-Must be use immediately. After the bucket is full, let it sit, tightly closed, for at least one week to ferment. (Allowing it to sit longer is fine, but makes sure the materials are not too moist to cause rotting and odor.) After another two weeks, you can plant directly into the soil. Points to note: Check to make sure the lid is always closed tightly. When air enters during the fermentation stage, unwanted microbes can enter and begin putrefying the food waste. White mold is good. This is beneficial fungus that helps produce antibiotics (to suppress pathogens) and antioxidants. This fungus will also help with water retention in the soil. Green or Black mold are not good. These are putrefying fungus and are usually the result of air infiltration, excess moisture, and/or not enough EM Bokashi. read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:20 am —

April 13, 2018 - Water TREATMENT

WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN WATER TREATMENT The self-purification power of water works well under the indigenous ecosystem functioning properly with a rich aquatic ecosystem pyramid. In polluted water with sludge accumulating at the bottom, water’s self-purification power decreases as a result of dominance by putrefactive microorganisms. This leads to decrease of nutrition necessary for ecosystem to function and keep their purification. When applied to polluted and putrefactive water, EM helps revive the ecosystem by reducing sludge and foul odours. Nevertheless, the application of EM will not create crystal clear water as what can be done by chemical means. Depending on the water condition, the amount and frequency of EM’s application could vary. 1. Apply 1:10,000 EMAS/PB to pond water volume 2. For River, apply 1 EM Mudball per 1 square metre. read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:19 am —

April 13, 2018 - Landscape – Soil Treatment

WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN SOIL TREATMENT The rapid industrialization and intensities in chemical usage has resulted in depleting nutrients in the soil. In this regard, EM™ has shown significant effect as a catalyst to naturally detoxify and enrich the soils and restore its microbial diversity. This in turn stimulates growth, yield, shelf-life and overall nutritional quality of the plants while reduces the growth of weeds and herbivore insects, thus gradually eliminating the need for toxic herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers. The use of EM™ accelerates the soil building process and promotes beneficial microbial communities. Soil building process revolves around soil aggregate formation. EM•1® produces high levels of polysaccharides and other beneficial enzymes and organic acids that help build stable aggregate and soil structure. Improved soil aggregate stability reduces soil erosion and run-off. Soils are better able to absorb and retain moisture, as well as cycle nutrients. read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:17 am —

April 13, 2018 - EM™ for Construction

WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN CONSTRUCTION Recently the issue of "Sick House Syndrome" has arisen, and there is a greater awareness of the materials used in construction. If one inhales fumes from paint, new building materials and adhesives, one can get sick. Mould and house mites are also a factor in this illness.  In the construction industry, it is possible to enhance the functionality of materials though adding EM™ products. The building's durability will be improved, and in actual construction it's been shown that the damage caused by adhesives and organic solvents can be reduced. At present EM•1® and EM-X® ceramics are being used in concrete in actual construction, and numerous buildings and houses have been completed implementing the use of EM Technology™ in construction materials right from the design. The best example is the EM™ Wellness Center in Okinawa, Japan. Instead of tearing down the decrepit building, the concrete building materials were revitalized through the use of EM Technology™, and the Center itself has successfully become a leading architectural model. Effects of EM™ for construction: Strengthen the building physically and extend the life of the building Reduces sick house syndrome Creates the atmosphere good for human health read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:13 am —

April 13, 2018 - EM™ for Sewage Treatment

WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN SEWAGE TREATMENT Microorganisms are inevitable participants in the cleaning of water in nature. As all of us in our daily lives continue to produce pollutants, it is through the activity of microorganisms that these pollutants are broken down and cleaned. With the increasing pollution of water systems in recent years, it has been noted that the amount of pollution produced by humans far exceeds the cleaning capacity of nature. The spread of the use of chlorine destroys the critical microorganisms that have self-cleaning functions, a contradiction that intensifies the deterioration of the environment. Most of the sewage, after going through the sewage treatment system, usually ends up in our rivers, lakes, and oceans. A shortage of water can cause outbreak of diseases, not to mention, the dehydration in people and loss of crops. Most, if not all, of our water can be recycled. That is, tap or potable water from our reservoirs used for drinking and washing which mostly end up in the septic tanks or some sort of sewage treatment facility can be recycled back into toilets and for general purpose cleaning: washing cars, streets, the home, the place of work, watering lawns, gardens, and house plants. This not only represents avoidance of "water shortage emergencies", but also a great savings in costs. EM™ can greatly help accomplish the above recycling, including considerable reduction, if not elimination, of foul odour, sludge, and the cleaning of our rivers, lakes, and oceans. EM™ prevents corrosion through the suppression of activities of free radicals and therefore prevents the deterioration of the sewer system and tanks. This would translate into long term savings in maintenance cost. As EM™ pervades throughout the sewer system and into the rivers, lakes, and oceans, EM™ creates a condition in which plant life can propagate. And such revitalization of plant life along river banks, shorelines, and sea coasts, can prevent their erosion. HOW TO APPLY EM IN SEWAGE TREATMENT 1. 1/10,000 EMAS and EM PB per water volume. read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:12 am —

April 13, 2018 - EM™ for Household

WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN HOUSEHOLD Cleaning The widespread use of antiseptic cleaners and health products has come under closer scrutiny in recent years. These antibiotic products are designed to destroy all bacteria, whether they are beneficial or harmful. The healthy and beneficial microflora is what sustains biodiversity in our environments. Hence, the antiseptic approach of destroying all bacteria often worsens a situation by attempting to treat the symptoms rather than alleviating the cause. On the other hand, using the all-natural EM™ allows the microbial diversity to form alliances, which restrict and suppress the growth of the "bad bugs". This allows for a healthy defence system of the "good bugs" to revitalize and refresh their environment. EM™ is designed to build strong probiotic alliances to form a healthy immune system for the soil, plants, animals, and humans. For creating a clean and healthy environment, we like to say that "Nature Does It Best!" Bleachers and synthetic detergents are commonly used to deal with ingrained g rease, stains and mould in house. However, their chemical components can be absorbed into the body through skin and cause physical problems such as an intestinal trouble and allergy. Moreover, they lead to an environmental pollution when they are flowed into rivers. On the other hand, EM™ works great as environmentally-safe degreasers and all-purpose cleaners. It is especially useful as a cleaning or deodorizing agent due to its antioxidant qualities and ability to eat grease. EM™ can be used to reduce and eliminate odour in carpets, furniture, trash, etc. It can also be used to used to clean windows, mirrors, toilets, tubs, flooring, etc. clean windows, mirrors, toilets, tubs, flooring, etc. read more
EMRO Malaysia Sdn Bhd added a news
Oct 30, 2018 at 11:10 am —

April 13, 2018 - EM™ for Wellness & Health

WHY WE NEED TO USE EM IN MAINTAINING OUR WELLNESS AND HEALTH When we talk about preventive medicine the basic key to being healthy is to strengthen your natural healing power. Therefore, we need to help return our environment (soil, water, air) to a healthy, natural state. EM Technology™ combines the beneficial and fermentative microorganisms that exist throughout nature, and integrates the force of natural healing power and immune strength that exists in humans and the environment. When the environment becomes healthy, so will human beings. EM Technology™ - Beneficial Bacteria and Antioxidants for Optimum Health EM™ with its naturopathic nature is a good source of supplement for promoting better health. Its benefits include: The broad array of beneficial bacteria and trace minerals helps promotes balanced and healthy digestive and immune systems EM™-derived enzymes generate beneficial bacteria, trace minerals, vitamins and healthy enzymes needed by human body, and EM™ is rich in antioxidants which could neutralise the formation of free radicals, one of the main source of cancer. EM-X® Gold contains highly bio-available EM® -derived enzymes that generate highly beneficial metabolic fermentation byproducts. These metabolites include trace minerals, vitamins, beneficial bacteria and healthy enzymes. read more
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